Fisika Bumi Siliwangi Emang Keren
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Farewell Special
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Instructor/speaker: Prof. Walter Lewin
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Today I would like to talk to you about some of the research that I did during my early days at MIT.
It's a long time ago.
I got my Ph.
D in the Netherlands on nuclear physics and I came over to MIT in 1966.
I was supposed to be here only for one year.
I had a one-year postdoc position.
But I loved it so much I never left.
I changed fields.
I joined the research group of Professor Bruno Rossi here at MIT, I changed from nuclear physics to x-ray astronomy.
X-ray astronomy speaks for itself.
You're trying to do astronomy in x-rays.
You cannot see any x-rays from the ground because the earth atmosphere absorbs them completely.
So you have to go outside the atmosphere unlike optical astronomy and radio astronomy which you can do from the ground.
When I use the word x-rays I'm thinking of the kind of x-rays that your dentist would be using, medical purposes, about 1 to 50 kilo electron-volts.
And since all of you took 8.02 you should know by now what a kilo electron volt is.
Uh, optical light is 2 electron volts, where x-rays, way more energetic than optical light.
Uh, during the Second World War Wernher von Braun in Peenemunde developed under Hitler Germany destructive rockets.
They were used to destroy the Allies.
To destroy you and me.
And after the war, around 1948, the Americans used these rockets to do science.
They also got Werner von Braun over to this country and for reasons unknown to me he became a hero.
They tried to observe x-rays from the solar system.
And they found indeed that the sun emits x-rays.
The sun is very close.
So you may say well that's not a surprise.
But it's really very unusual because to create x-rays you need extremely high temperatures, which we didn't think existed on the sun.
And if you take the power that the sun puts out in x-rays, this is joules per second now, and you divide that by the power in the optical and the infrared light of the sun, this symbol stands for sun, that ratio is about 10 to the -7.
So you must conclude that the sun emits largely optical light and infrared and that the amount of x-rays is a modest byproduct.
Interesting as it is all by itself.
In 1962 several scientists here in Cambridge, Massachusetts, among them Bruno Rossi and Riccardo Giacconi and Herb Gursky, made an attempt to observe x-rays from stars outside our solar system.
The odds were strongly against them.
The detectors were not sensitive enough.
If you take the sun and you bring the sun to the nearest stars, which is a distance say of 10 light-years, then there would be no hope that you would be able to detect x-rays from an object like the sun.
In fact the detectors were too insensitive by about a factor of one billion.
They tried anyhow and they were successful.
They did indeed find to everyone's surprise and joy, they found x-rays from at least one object outside the solar system.
This object was later called SCO X-1.
SCO stands for the constellation Scorpio in the sky and X for x-rays and 1 for the first source observed in that constellation.
We now know that this object is a faint blue star.
And what is extremely special about the object SCO X-1 is that if you take the ratio x-ray power over optical power then that ratio is about 10 to the 3rd.
Compare that with the sun.
This object, we had no clue what it was in those days, primarily emit x-rays, and the optical emission is a byproduct.
Whereas with the sun it is reversed.
And so the burning question was in those days, what kind of animal is this?
It must be a totally different beast.
Something very different from our sun.
And when I came to MIT in 1966, there were six sources known outside our solar system.
And they were all discovered with rockets.
The rockets in those days could spend about five minutes above the earth atmosphere and they would quickly make a scan over the sky, five minutes, that's all they had.
And I joined the group of uh George Clark, who is still at MIT, uh he was doing x-ray astronomy from very high-flying balloons, very close to the top of the atmosphere, and the advantage of balloons was that you could observe the sky for many, many hours, if you're lucky sometimes even a day or more.
But on the other hand, since there is always a little bit of atmosphere left above you, even though there's very little, there is still some left, the x-rays are absorbed, almost all x-rays below 20 kilo electron-volts would be absorbed, and we would not be able to see them.
But of course the compensation was that we could look at the sky for many, many, many hours.
Nowadays no one is doing these balloon observations anymore.
No more rocket observations.
Everything is done of course from satellites.
So when I came to MIT, together with George Clark, I developed new x-ray detectors for these balloon observations.
Many graduate students were involved.
Many undergraduates.
It would take about two years to build a telescope.
To give you a rough idea it would take a million dollars in terms of 1966 dollars, and the weight of such a telescope would be roughly 1000 kilograms.
The balloons in those days would cost about $100,000 to get us up to these high altitudes, and we would need about $80,000 of helium, and you will see some slides of that.
We have to go to altitudes of about 140000 feet.
We had huge balloons for that.
You will see one.
They have diameters of about 600 feet.
And the material was polyethylene.
Extremely thin to make them light-weight so that they can go high.
The thickness of that polyethylene was about half of one-thousandth of an inch.
Which is thinner than the saran wrap that you have in the kitchen.
It is thinner than cigarette paper.
A very risky business to fly these balloons.
No guarantee of course that they would work.
You pay your money.
If they work that's great.
If they don't work that's just tough luck.
There is a good chance that you have a failure when you launch the balloon.
They're very fragile.
There could be damage right at the launch.
But even if they make it up in the atmosphere they have to go through the tropopause, near about a hundred thousand feet where it's very, very cold, the balloons get brittle, and then they can burst.
And that of course would be the end then of that balloon flight.
And that could also be the end of a Ph.D thesis.
Because that all these flights of course were connected with research and therefore with Ph.
D work and so the tension during these early phases of the launch were always extremely high.
Sometimes even unbearable.
So now I would like to show you some slides, which will give you a good idea of what these expeditions were like.
Oh, yeah, a classic problem.
This is nice that these -- ah, now they work.
All right, so if I can have the first slide, you see here Jim and Pat who at the time were undergraduates, they are now both Ph.Ds, and they are working there, very tedious work, trying to put the electronics together.
You may think that science is not very romantic.
But I can assure you it is.
They fell in love.
They married.
They have kids.
And that's the way it sometimes goes in life.
And so here you see the plant in Texas where these huge balloons were made.
Uh, balloons are put together sort of like the -- the way that the tangerine is put together.
At the surface you see these gores of the balloon.
And the sealing of these gores to make up the balloon were -- was only done by women.
Only women were allowed to work there.
Has nothing to do with sex discrimination of any kind.
It just turned out that women were more patient.
They did the work better.
They make way fewer mistakes than men did.
That's the way it goes sometimes in life.
Here you see balloon coming out of the box.
Nicely protected in a plastic cover.
And we also have here cloth on the -- on the grass because the balloon is so thin that it would certainly get damaged if it touches the grass, it's enormously thin.
This was not my balloon.
Uh we were worried that there was something wrong with it.
You can see here the concern.
They thought it was a -- there was a hole in the balloon.
And that if there is a hole in the balloon there's just nothing you can do about it anymore.
You can't patch it because the hole is almost always through many many layers.
What you're looking at here is hundreds of layers of balloon that are folded together.
But as I said, since it wasn't my balloon I wasn't too worried, but of course it's never nice if you see a failure of your colleagues.
Now I bring you to the desert town Alice Springs in Australia.
Right at the heart of Australia.
And now you get a pretty good idea of what it's like.
Here you see the launch truck.
The telescope is there.
And then you see this enormously big balloon.
All of it is empty now and most of this will stay empty.
This is the roller arm which holds this part down.
This is the only part that will be inflated.
And here you see the helium truck.
And here you see the inflation tubes.
And we will let helium in from both sides which will then gradually begin to fill this top part of the balloon.
And you see here the roller arm in detail.
The roller arm is very important because when this part of the balloon is being filled it wants to lift, it wants to go up, and of course you have to keep it down, you have to keep it under control.
And so this roller arm and this -- this car is loaded down with concrete.
It's very heavy.
And then just before the launch this roller arm by command is [fweet] flipped over, and then as you will see later then the balloon will make it up.
And here you see the early part of the inflation.
Helium comes in from both sides.
And so we -- we fly these balloons almost always early morning because then the winds are very calm.
You need extremely reliable winds.
You need to know the direction very well.
And the winds should be no more than something like three or four miles per hour.
If they are stronger you would lose the balloon.
You see here these gores that I mentioned to you earlier.
Where the sun is behind the balloon.
Here the bubble is nearly fully inflated now.
Here it's still going on.
Still going on, the inflation.
But we are very close to the end of the inflation.
Here is the roller arm and then in this direction here, 500 feet or so down is the payload with the truck.
We're now very close to a launch.
We're still in Alice Springs.
This is -- was my graduate student Jeff McClintock at the time.
He's now Dr.
Here you see radar reflectors which allows us to follow the balloon -- a radar.
Here you see the telescope hanging on the launch truck.
Here is the roller arm.
All this is empty.
And here you see the parachute.
We have here a connection between the parachute and the bottom of the balloon.
And we can control that on radio command.
We can separate that so that the telescope safely comes back to earth.
At least that's the idea on paper.
And so now you see the release of the bubble.
So the roller arm is up and this bubble now takes off.
This is an incredibly fantastic moment.
This is really butterflies in your stomach and ants in your pants.
This is the moment that balloon can easily fail.
Very thin material, the helium goes up, reflects against the top, is pushed back again, you get this peculiar mushroom shape, it makes an enormous sound like a storm.
The idea now is that this balloon will go higher and higher in the sky.
Will pick up all this empty part.
This is not inflated.
As the balloon goes up in the atmosphere the atmospheric pressure will go down.
And the helium will expand and will fill the balloon.
And the -- the trick now is for this truck to manipulate, to maneuver itself under what we call the bubble.
And therefore the wind has to be in this direction so that the balloon comes to the truck.
And then the truck tries to get straight under the balloon.
And then the payload will be released here.
Here you see a close-up of this mushroom.
You can actually see this reflection of the helium going up and coming back.
You can also see these gores very clearly.
It's tedious work.
By these women who have to seal these balloons.
Enormous amount of labor goes into it.
Amount of helium as I said earlier is about $80,000.
About the same price of the balloon.
And here it goes higher.
We're in Alice Springs.
The cover is falling off.
Balloon is going up.
See the engine is already running.
The truck cannot move yet because if it started to move this part of the balloon would slide over the cloth.
There would be friction and there would be holes in the balloon.
So this truck has to wait until all of this is off the ground.
Going higher.
And I'm now so close to the balloon that I couldn't continue my picture-taking from Alice Springs.
So I will jump back to an earlier flight in the United States.
We flew these balloons in the United States from a town called Palestine, Texas.
And so you will see then the remaining part of the flight from Palestine, Texas.
So the balloon is now completely off the ground.
See a little bit of gas, well it's not so little, but it looks very little compared to the size of this balloon.
You see the parachute here and here then is the connection which on radio command we can separate.
So now this is a very crucial moment.
The person in charge on this launch truck has probably driven the truck to get straight under the balloon.
And when it's straight under there they will allow the payload to go free.
The payload is attached to this truck.
If the balloon is too far ahead and the payload is released it will pendulum into the ground.
And if you release it too early then of course the payload will pendulum back into the launch truck.
Both would be a disaster.
If the pull of the balloon is not enough, for instance if a hole developed during the launch, so if the tension is not strong enough, you would release the payload, it would go bang, back to the ground.
So all these factors have to be taken into account, and then finally the person in charge commits to a launch.
And then there it goes.
All the way empty.
Here you see the helium.
The parachute.
And you see the -- the payload.
And here you see the balloon at 150000 feet, 45 kilometers high in the sky.
The helium has now expanded.
The balloon is fully inflated.
And you can look straight through it.
It's only half of one-thousandth of an inch of polyethylene.
And these are huge ducts which have openings of about ten meters each.
And they are there because the balloon cannot stand any over-pressure.
If there is any over-pressure the balloon would pop and so when the balloon keeps rising and rising and rising when it reaches -- reaches its maximum volume the helium would escape at the bottom.
That's the idea of these ducts.
Here you see George Ricker who was graduate student, my graduate student at the time.
This is in Australia.
He is now Dr.
He's still at MIT.
Pengembangan Perkuliahan
1. Buatlah sebuah Esai mengenai materi perkuliahan ini
2. Buatlah sebuah kelompok berjumlah 5 orang untuk menganalisis materi perkuliahan ini
3. Lakukan Penelitian Sederhana dengan kelompok tersebut
4. Hasilkan sebuah produk yang dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat
5. Kembangkan produk tersebut dengan senantiasa meningkatkan kualitasnyaVisualizations:
Prof. John Belcher
Dr. Peter Dourmashkin
Prof. Bruce Knuteson
Prof. Gunther Roland
Prof. Bolek Wyslouch
Dr. Brian Wecht
Prof. Eric Katsavounidis
Prof. Robert Simcoe
Prof. Joseph Formaggio
Course Co-Administrators:
Dr. Peter Dourmashkin
Prof. Robert Redwine
Technical Instructors:
Andy Neely
Matthew Strafuss
Course Material:
Dr. Peter Dourmashkin
Prof. Eric Hudson
Dr. Sen-Ben Liao
The TEAL project is supported by The Alex and Brit d'Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in MIT Education, MIT iCampus, the Davis Educational Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Class of 1960 Endowment for Innovation in Education, the Class of 1951 Fund for Excellence in Education, the Class of 1955 Fund for Excellence in Teaching, and the Helena Foundation. Many people have contributed to the development of the course materials. (PDF)
Muller obtained a A.B. degree at Columbia University (New York) and a Ph.D. degree in physics from University of California, Berkeley. Muller began his career as a graduate student under Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez doing particle physics experiments and working with bubble chambers. During his early years he also helped to cocreate accelerator mass spectroscopy and made some of the first measurements of anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background.
Subsequently, Muller branched out into other areas of science, and in particular the Earth sciences. His work has included attempting to understand the ice ages, dynamics at the core-mantle boundary, patterns of extinction and biodiversity through time, and the processes associated with impact cratering. One of his most well known proposals is the Nemesis hypothesis suggesting that the sun could have an as yet undetected companion dwarf star, whose perturbations of the Oort cloud and subsequent effects on the flux of comets entering the inner solar system could explain an apparent 26 million year periodicity in extinction events.
This is me.For a more interesting photo, click on the image. For a high-res jpeg of the photo on the left, click here. Muller's vita is available in html or pdf
You can also jump to current research.
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Global Warming. We have begun a new major research project to make an independent evalution of global warming through a careful analysis of the most complete set ever used of land surface temperature measurements. For details, see BerkeleyEarth.org.
See Physics for Future Presidents web page about the course I teach. Princeton University Press has now published the full color, glossy, yet cheap ($44.35 on Amazon) textbook Physics and Technology for Future Presidents.
Interested in 3D TV without glasses? See the link to my new company, SolidDD.com
See my movie of the Finale of the Paul McCartney Concert (10 July 2010).
See Rich on the Glen Beck show, discussing the Iranian nuclear threat. The discussion took place Friday 5 Feb 2010. Beck says: "I have read your book. It is fantastic. Everybody should read this book if you are interested in science at all and you're interested in the future." But he doesn't like the part on Global Warming. | ![]() |
Naked Copenhagen my Op-Ed piece has now appeared in the Wall St. Journal. For details of the calculations, go to MullerandAssociates.com.
See my presentation at the WNET Celebration of Teaching and Learning
See a photo of Barack Obama reading my popular book! -- while in bed -- and being so distracted that he ignores the ringing red phone -- while Michelle looks on with concern. Well, OK, maybe it isn't a photo. It was done by Victor Juhasz. See the image here.
Cycles in Fossil Diversity. Our discovery of the 62 Myr cycle was published in 2005, but now we present the data parsed in 171 different ways! See below.
My course, Physics for future Presidents, has just been given the highest award it could possibly earn: in a poll taken by the student newspaper, The Daily Californian, it was named Best Class at Berkeley! (It has won this honor for the last two years in a row.)
Popular Version | There are two books I have written with similar titles. Physics for Future Presidents is written for popular readers -- meant to be read rather than studied, is shown on the left. I've been on NPR twice answering call-ins: listen to Michael Krasny on Forum or Tom Ashbrook's "On Point". It is now available in paperback (cheap). The more detailed book, a textbook for my course, is on the right side. The popular version has five sections: terrorism, energy, nukes, space, and global warming. The new Princeton University Press text has 13 chapters including a new one on climate change, multiple choice and essay questions, and is suitable for a course, Interested in teaching from it? Here is a link: Physics and Technology for Future Presidents. We've kept the price under $50. | Class Textbook |
Muller teaches physics to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, and other candidates (photo taken by Joey Manfre).
Science Magazine piece about UC Berkeley's success in broadcasting my lectures on YouTube.
A soldier in Iraq listened to my physics lectures while manning a .50-caliber machine-gun and watching over a goat herder's field where insurgents were suspected of passing through a week earlier. Read the whole story.
Burning Man 2007. See my movies and photos. Most impressive is the Movie of the Burning Man. taken September 2, 2007. My favorite art was the Big Round Cubatron. See my movie of it, and also artist Mark Lottor's website. Night Panorama of Black Rock City gives a sense of the place. Also the Fire Wheel Movie. Burning Man Photos give the overall picture, including a photo of me in full Tuareg dress, standing by the Temple. (The Tuareg figured out years ago how to protect themselves from sandstorms, and the protection really does work. I added the face mask.)
Watch the TV clip about my class Physics for future Presidents that was on ABC7 News on May 21, 2007. Go to: Top Universities Offer Free Lectures Online.
Muller's Theorems. The complete list is now posted.
Photos from our August 2007 backpack trip to Hoover Wilderness and the Virginia Canyon in Yosemite.
Historic FSM photos inside Sproul Hall, Dec 3-4, 1964. For the first time, I have posted the photographs I took during the Free Speech Movement Sproul Hall sit in. These include images of Mario Savio, Jack Weinberg, and Joan Baez in the corridors of Sproul. They also show the police charging up the stairs to take control of the window on the second floor, a window that was being used to take food and information in from outside sympathizers. I was arrested, and spent the next night in the Oakland jail. When I was released, to my amazement, the police returned the film to me. I was the only student arrested who later became a professor at Cal.
Nobel Prize. Congratulations to John Mather and George Smoot for the Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded for their work on COBE. I've posted a new pre-COBE history page that includes historically interesting documents that are relevant to the genesis of COBE. These date from the days when I was the Principal Investigator on the U-2 project that discovered the cosine anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation.
Physics for future Presidents, my course (see below) has a textbook, available from Thomson Publishing. It is also available on Amazon, for a higher price, but you might need to make sure you get the right edition. The newer version says "Spring 2008 edition" on the cover.
Wildlife photos from our recent trip to Kenya and Rwanda.
And photos from Carlsbad Caverns, Cuba, Iguacu, the Sierra Nevada, Morocco, Paraguay, Peru, more....
See my little silly essay Dumbledore isn't gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that....
Current Research
Click the following link to download a pdf file that shows the diversity data parsed in 171 different ways. If you are familiar with paleontology, then these data may give you the clue that you need to figure out what is causing the cycle.
Avalanches at the Core-Mantle Boundary, has been published in Geophysical Research Letters, vol.29, pg 41-1 to 41-4 (12 Oct 2002). Such avalanches may affect geomagnetic reversals and flood basalts. They can be spontaneous, or triggered by oblique impacts of comets and asteroids.
Impacts on the moon (and the earth) increased about 400 Myr ago, a result that we published in SCIENCE in May, 2000. A follow-up investigation on impacts at the Apollo 12 site published in the Journal of Geophysical Research showed a weaker effect than we first reported. This increase, if real, may have implications both for evolution and our model of the solar system. There is an interesting interpretation of these data in terms of the Nemesis idea: see my paper "Measurements of lunar impacts ... and implications for the Nemesis theory." For more on the Nemesis idea, see the next entry:
Nemesis. This is a theory worked out with Marc Davis and Piet Hut. It predicts the future discovery of a small (probably red dwarf) star orbiting the Sun at a distance of a few light years. The theory has been considered controversial and speculative, but it has not yet been ruled out. We should know for sure in the next few years. I wrote an article about our work for the New York Times Magazine in 1985; here is a transcript: NYTimes Article. See the Nemesis web page. See also "Measurements of lunar impacts ... and implications for the Nemesis theory."
We have measured the accretion of extraterrestrial dust by using iridium measurements on Greenland ice. The results are controversial: we found a lower level of accretion than had generally been believed. Read our article.pdf published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
A New Theory of Glacial cycles. Also see the article Glacial Cycles and Astronomical Forcing, published in Science vol 277, pp 215-218 (11 July 1997). Also look at our book:
![]() | Ice Ages and Astronomical Causes (with coauthor Gordon MacDonald) published by Springer-Praxis in 2000. Click to read the Table of Contents, the Preface or Chapter 1, which contains brief introductions to the History of Climate, Ice Age Theories, and Spectra. It is meant for students or researchers who want to learn how to do spectral analysis of paleoclimate data.It can be ordered from Amazon.com, from Springer New York, Springer Germany, and from Amazon in the UK. . For see the wonderful movie illustrating the changing orbits. I've posted a table of the Earth's orbital inclination for the last 3 Myr. |
See the new compilation of ice age data we call the Benthic Stack, published in Paleoceanography (vol 17, 2002). It was tuned to obliquity alone, and represents a new view of climate for the last 860 kyr.
Teaching: Physics for future Presidents
Physics for future Presidents is my name for Physics 10, cross listed as L&S C70V, is the course I currently teach. In one semester, my goal is to cover the physics that future world leaders need to know (and maybe present world leaders too). Go to the PffP home page to read selections from my textbook. It can be purchased at a discount. from Thomson Publishing. And read the article in the San Francisco Chronicle. |
My MIT Technology Review Essays
The Physics of Gluttony (Nov '04). You lose weight (carbon) only by breathing.
Global Warming Bombshell (Oct '04). Global warming poster child discredited.
Death of the Dinosaurs (Aug '04). There's a lot more we don't know now.
Military Lessons from Iraq War II (July '04). Some may surprise you.
Dirty Bombs (June '04). My greatest fear is fear itself.
Less Lethal Weapons (May '04). Are they good or bad?
Alaska is melting. Can Kyoto save it? (April '04). Climate is local too.
The Witch of Yucca Mountain (March '04). Research won't reassure.
Our Non-expedition to Mars (Feb '04). Mars in 26 years? Only after robots.
The Voice of Osama (Jan '04). Why I think it isn't his.
Medieval Global Warming (Dec '03). Medieval climate becomes politicized.
The Physics Diet (Nov '03). Exercise doesn't work. Eating less does.
Bizarre Math of Elections (Oct '03). Low voter turnout may be a healthy sign.
Cuba Low-Tech (Sept '03). Observations from my visit to Cuba.
When Lie Detectors Lie - or Don't (August '03) They do have valid uses.
Hydrogen Economy Pollution (July '03) Not as clean as you might think.
Deceiving Saddam (June '03) To fool someone, you may have to fool all.
The Weapons Paradox (May '03). Are kinder, gentler weapons, always evil?
Shock and Awe in Babylon (April '03) Early surprises in Gulf War II.
Baghdad Express (March '03) A weapon of mass transport?
Space Shuttle Science (Feb '03) Is it safe? Is it science?
Iraq inspections -- just as expected. (Jan '03) They won't find WMD
North Korea -- the next Iraq? (Dec '02) Yes and no
War with Iraq -- As Predictable as Chess (Nov '02) You'll be surprised
The Lowest-Tech Atom Bomb (Oct '02) Saddam's easiest approach
Did Everything Change? (Sept '02) Why Al Qaeda failed
Airport Insecurity. (Aug '02) The real threat is checked luggage
Who's afraid of 1984? (July '02) Orwell got it backwards
The Conservation Bomb. (June '02) Can counter the population bomb
Weapons of Precise Destruction. (May '02) Predator assassination
Al Qaeda's Anthrax (April '02) See agreement from David Tell
Crop duster terrorism (March '02) Weapons from the corner station
Springtime, Taxes, and the Attack on Iraq (Feb '02) War is inevitable
I've been analyzing the terrorist threat ever since 9-11-01. Read my early articles and judge for yourself how accurate I was (or wasn't):
Analysis of the Terrorist Attack, posted Sept 16 2001, 5 days after 9-11.
The War on Terrorism posted Sept 21, 2001, with my predictions.
The terrorist threat is over, for now posted Oct 26, 2001.
I have put online my viewgraphs for my talk,
Physics of Terrorism, Counterterrorism, and the Conflict with Iraq.
Publications and books
A somewhat out of date list of my publications is available. My vita is available in html or pdf. In addition, I have written five books:
- Nemesis (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988). Read Chapter 1: Cosmic Terrorist. Copies of the book are available used on Amazon.
- The Sins of Jesus, a historical novel. You may download selected chapters from this novel for free. Click here for more information.
- The Three Big Bangs (with coauthor Phil Dauber, Addison/Wesley 1996). Read Chapter 1.
- Ice Ages and Astronomical Causes: data, spectral analysis, and mechanisms (with coauthor Gordon MacDonald). For sample chapters, see the note posted above.
- Physics for future Presidents, is now available from Thomson Publishing. You can purchase it at the discount price of $48.87 including shipping (instead of the list price of $57.29) if you enter the promo code ICHP0614 at the site checkout. It is also available on Amazon, for a higher price.
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. (That's special; there are only 218 other physicists.) Teaching awards include the 1999 Distinguished Teaching Award of the University of California (for teaching physics majors), the 2009 Noyce Prize, and the 2010 Phi Beta Kappa Excellence in Teaching Award for Northern California. My other awards include the Mac Arthur Prize (1982), the NSF Alan T. Waterman Award, and the Texas Instruments Foundation Founders Prize. A complete list is here. My class Physics for Future Presidents was voted "Best Class on Campus" in 2008 and 2009. My feeling about the MacArthur Award is best expressed by a cartoon from the New Yorker.
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